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Focus Session on
Dynamical Horizons, Binary Coalescences, Simulations and Waveforms

July 16 - 19, 2018

Participant List

Name Institution
Abhay Ashtekar Penn State
K. G. Arun Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
Sina Bahrami Penn State
Eugenio Bianchi Penn State
Ofek Birnholtz Rochester Institute of Technology
Ivan Booth Memorial University, Canada
Ssohrab Borhanian Penn State
Arnab Dhani Penn State
Deborah Ferguson Georgia Tech
Anuradha Gupta Penn State
Rachael Huxford Penn State
Brennan Ireland Rochester Institute of Technology
Jose Luis Jaramillo Universite de Bourgogne
Neev Khera Penn State
Bhavesh Khomesra Georgia Tech
Larry Kidder Cornell University
Badri Krishnan AEI
Pablo Laguna Georgia Tech
Purnima Narayan AEI
B. Sathyaprakash Penn State
Deirdre Shoemaker Georgia Tech
Andrey Shoom AEI
Yosef Zlochower Rochester Institute of Technology


This Focus Session is supported by the Pittsburgh Foundation through the Urania Stott Fund and the Eberly College of Science.

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